Original Resolution: 1200x900
Dragon Fruit Why How You Should Be Including It Into Your Diet This tropical fruit makes a delicious snack that's slightly sweet with an interesting texture.
889x1215 - Dragon fruit benefits includes supporting bone health and density, improving digestion, enhancing the skin, supporting good metabolic rate, fighting fungal and microbial, supporting weight loss, preventing cancer cells from thriving, preventing arthritis and healing sunburn.
Original Resolution: 889x1215
Dragon Fruit Breakfast Bowl Recipe Fruit Health Benefits Pitaya Dragon Fruit Breakfast Bowl 10+ amazing health benefits from dragon fruit | pitaya that you should need to know.
550x381 - The plant the fruit comes from is actually a hylocereus polyrhizus has pink skin with red or pink flesh and is often larger and sweeter than the more common variety.
Original Resolution: 550x381
Dragon Fruit With Its Bright Red Or White Flesh Is Healthy Too The plant's name comes from the greek word.